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"Discover in this book more than ninety questions every Christian should ask about the prophet NOstradamus and his prophecies. And their answers that confirm he was a holy man and prophet of God. Christians will forget what pagan writers wrongly said about him!"--Page de titre. — ISBN
Meléndez, Daniel, 1951-, auteur
[M. Nostradamus (Holy man and prophet of God)]
M. Nostradamus : holy man and prophet of God / by Daniel A. Melendez. — [Montréal] : les Éditions la Porte céleste, [2020]. — 212 pages ; 23 cm.
1. Nostradamus, 1503-1566 — Prophéties 2. Prophéties (Occultisme) I. Titre.
133.3092 BF1815* 6327627