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Nouvelle-France — Histoire — Biographies
"Biographies of captives from capture to settlement, marriage contracts - extracts in French and English, list of children born to captives in Québec, ancestral lines for some of the english captives". — ISBN
Lawrence, Roger W., auteur
English captives & prisoners remaining in New France : their story of capture and survival in Quebec / Roger W. Lawrence. — Manchester, New Hampshire : American-Canadian Genealogical Society, 2015. — vii, 484 pages ; 28 cm.
1. Prisonniers des Indiens d'Amérique — Nouvelle-France — Biographies 2. Anglais — Canada — Histoire — Biographies 3. Nouvelle-France — Histoire — Biographies 4. Nouvelle-Angleterre — Généalogies I. American-Canadian Genealogical Society, organisme de publication II. Titre. III. Titre : English captives and prisoners remaining in New France
971.01/8092 E85 5286081