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Bibliographie du Québec

Janvier-décembre 2016

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Bernard, Prosper, author

Pandanon, Charicris,, author
   Web surveys : concepts and tools / Charicris Pandanon, Michel Plaisent, Filomena Dayagbil, Yupaporn Piriyasilva, Prosper Bernard. — Montréal : Éditions Fidal, 2016.

   ISBN 9782922636338 : $9.99.

  I. Bernard, Prosper,, author II. Plaisent, Michel, 1947-, author III. Dayagbil, Filomena,, author IV. Piriyasilva, Yupaporn,, author V. Titre.

001.4/33HM538CIP 1609

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Plaisent, Michel, 1947-, author
   Web-surveys issues and methods : a primer / Michel Plaisent, Filomena Daygagbil, Lili Zheng, Cataldo Zuccaro, Bernard Prosper. — Montréal : Éditions Fidal, 2016.

   Includes bibliographical references. — ISBN 9782922636345 : $9.99.

  I. Bernard, Prosper,, author II. Zuccaro, Cataldo, 1949-, author III. Daygagbil, Filomena,, author IV. Zheng, Lili, 1983-,, author V. Titre.

001.4/33HM538CIP 1610