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Schaeffler, Janet, auteur
The spirituality of the catechist : feeding your soul, growing in faith, sharing with others / Janet Schaeffler, OP. — Toronto, Ontario, Canada ;Montréal, Québec, Canada : Novalis, [2014]. — 90 pages ; 22 cm. — (The Essential catechist's bookshelf ; vol.2).
Reproduction de (manifestation) : Schaeffler, Janet. The spirituality of the catechist : feeding your soul, growing in faith, sharing with others. New London, CT : Twenty-Third Publications, 2014. — ISBN
1. Catéchistes 2. Spiritualité — Église catholique I. Titre. II. Collection : The Essential catechist's bookshelf ; vol.2.
248.8/9 BX1918 4766248