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Two songs of reflection

Baxter, Garth, compositeur
   [Mélodies. Extraits]
   Two songs of reflection ; Grandmother, think not I forget / Garth Baxter. — Lévis (Québec) Canada : les Éditions Doberman-Yppan, [2017]. — 1 partition (24 pages) ; 30 cm.

   Pour voix et piano. — Notes biographiques en anglais. — Dépouillement : Two songs of reflection. A cradle song / lyrics: William Blake ; What death can touch / words by: Chaim Stern -- Grandmother, think not I forget / words by: Garth and Katherine Baxter after a poem by Willa Cather. — Cotage : DO 1118. — ISBN 9782895038931 : 15,00 $.

  1. Chansons (Voix aiguë) acc. de piano I. Baxter, Garth. Songs of reflexion II. Baxter, Garth. Grandmother, think not I forget III. Titre.
