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Don't worry about me, I'll be OK (P.S. please send me some...)
Higginson, Byron Laurier, 1917-2002, auteur
[Correspondance. Extraits]
Don't worry about me, I'll be OK (P.S. please send me some...) : a collection of letters written by a WW2 soldier to his mother back home in Montreal during the period from 1942 to 1945 / by Byron Laurier Higginson. — Version 2017.12.30. — [Montreal] : Royal Canadian Hussars Association : Montreal Cavalry Institute, [2019]. — 195 pages : illustrations (certaines en couleur) ; 29 cm.
1. Higginson, Byron Laurier, 1917-2002 — Correspondance 2. Militaires — Québec (Province) — Montréal — Correspondance 3. Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 — Europe — Biographies 4. Correspondance privée I. Royal Canadian Hussars Association, organisme de publication II. Montreal Cavalry Institute, organisme de publication III. Titre.
355.0092 U55* 6116221