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Jimson, Kerry, auteur
The Aztecs / Kerry Jimson. — Montréal, Quebec : Pointe-à-Callière, Montréal Archaeology and History Complex, [2015]. — 102 pages : illustrations en couleur ; 27 cm.
"This publication was adapted with the kind permission of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa by Pointe-à-Callière, the Montreal Archeology and History Complex, in conjunction with The Aztecs, People of the Sun, an exhibition presented in Montréal from May 29 to October, 25, 2015". - Verso de la page de titre. — Reproduction de (manifestation) : Jimson, Kerry. Aztecs : conquest and glory.. Wellington, N.Z. : Te Papa Press, 2013. — Titre de la couverture : Aztecs, people of the sun. — ISBN
1. Aztèques — Histoire 2. Aztèques — Civilisation 3. Aztèques — Antiquités I. Pointe-à-Callière, musée d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal, organisme de publication, institution hôte II. Titre. III. Titre : Aztecs, people of the sun
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