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100 flags from Abbotsford to Yellowknife
Canadian city flags / Edward B. Kaye, editor ; Luc Baronian ... [et al.]. — Trenton, NJ : North American Vexillological Association, 2011. — xx, 232 p. : ill. en coul. ; 23 cm.
Constitue le vol. 18, 2011 de Raven : a journal of vexillology. — "North American city flags, part 2 : Canada". — Complément de titre de la couv.: 100 flags from Abbotsford to Yellowknife. — ISBN
1. Drapeaux — Canada 2. Emblèmes municipaux — Canada 3. Villes — Canada — Armoiries I. Kaye, Ted, , éd. II. Baronian, Luc, 1974- III. North American Vexillological Association IV. Titre : 100 flags from Abbotsford to Yellowknife.
929.920971091 | CR214* | 4355034 |