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Verchères (Québec) — Généalogies
Phillips, Edward Wallace
The first Muirs of the Province of Quebec including two Millers, James and William Muir, their origins in Scotland and the descendants of James Muir of Beloeil, Vercheres, Quebec / Edward Wallace Phillips. — Upton : E. Wallace Phillips, 2012. — viii, 390 p. ; 24 cm.
Titre de la couv.: The first Muirs of the Province of Quebec$bincluding two Millers, James and William Muir, their origins in Scotland and the descendants of James Muir of Beloeil, Vercheres, Quebec, who settled in various towns in Quebec, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. — Comprend des réf. bibliogr. (p. [323]-333) et un index. — ISBN :
1. Muir (Famille) 2. Canadiens d'origine écossaise — Généalogies 3. Beloeil (Québec) — Généalogies 4. Verchères (Québec) — Généalogies 5. Québec (Québec) — Généalogies I. Titre.
929.20971 CS90* 4301076