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Violence politique — Recherche
Simion, Marian Gh.
Religion and political conflict : from dialectics to cross-domain charting / by Marian Gh. Simon ; with a preface by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew ; with contributions from David Little & Mihnea Motoc. — Montréal : Presses internationales Polytechnique ; Boston ; Montreal [etc.] : American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2011. — xviii, 225 p. : ill. en coul. ; 22 cm. — (ARA books series ; vol. 17).
Comprend des réf. bibliogr. (p. 203-219). — ISBN :
1. Violence politique — Aspect religieux 2. Violence politique — Recherche 3. Religion et politique I. Little, David, 1933- II. Motoc, Mihnea III. American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences IV. Titre. V. Collection : ARA books series ; vol. 17.
201.76332 BL65* 4294972