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Townships Cantons Publications
Thompson, David, 1770-1857
Even the owl is not heard : David Thompson's 1834 journals in the Eastern Townships of Quebec / Barbara Verity and Gilles Péloquin, editors ; introduction by Monique Nadeau-Saumier ; illustrations by Denis Palmer. — Sherbrooke : Townships Cantons Publications, ©2011. — 102 p. : ill. ; 21 x 28 cm.
Comprend un index. — Bibliogr.: p. 95-99. — ISBN :
1. Thompson, David, 1770-1857 — Journal intime 2. Thompson, David, 1770-1857 — Voyages — Québec (Province) — Cantons-de-l'Est 3. Explorateurs — Canada — Biographies 4. Géomètres — Canada — Biographies 5. Cantons-de-l'Est (Québec) — Descriptions et voyages I. Verity, Barbara, 1943- , éd. II. Péloquin, Gilles , éd. III. Titre.
917.146042 FC2943.26 4136495