Table des matières | Index des vedettes-matière | Index auteurs/titres | Index éditeurs |
Centaur Theatre Company presents, May 8-June 3, 2012, a SideMart Theatrical Grocery production, Haunted Hillbilly, adapted by Graham Cuthbertson from Derek McCormark's novel The haunted hillbilly, composer Matthew Barber ... [image fixe] : starring Daniel Brochu, Graham Cuthbertson, Kyle Gatehouse ... — Vieux-Montréal : Centaur Theatre, [2012]. — 1 affiche : coul. ; 72 x 56 cm.
1. McCormack, Derek — Adaptations — Affiches 2. Cuthbertson, Graham — Affiches 3. SideMart Theatrical Grocery — Affiches 4. Centaur Theatre Company — Affiches 5. Affiches de théâtre.
Instructions to any future socialist government wishing to abolish Christmas, a co-production with Toronto's Crow's Theater, written by Michael Mackenzie, directed by Chris Abraham [image fixe] : starring Ted Dykstra & Gemma James-Smith ... — Montréal : Centaur Theatre ; Toronto : Crow's Theatre, [2010]. — 1 affiche : coul. ; 71 x 56 cm.
"March 1-April 3, 2011 ...".
1. Mackenzie, Michael, 1950- — Affiches 2. Centaur Theatre Company — Affiches 3. Crow's Theatre — Affiches 4. Affiches de théâtre.