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Posters for unwritten plays [image fixe]
Cajal, Oana Maria
Posters for unwritten plays [image fixe] : in the spotlight of death, life shines in its brightest colors, celebrate the very second!, right now! : an exhibition by Oana Maria Cajal / [painting], O.M. — [Montreal : Centaur Theatre Co., 2011]. — 1 carte postale : coul. ; 16 x 13 cm.
Tableau reprod. au recto: Autoportrait, 2011?, acrylique sur toile. — "October 4-November 6, 2011, 12 pm-5 pm ; vernissage: October 26, 2011, 5 pm-7 pm, Centaur Theatre Gallery ...".
1. Cajal, Oana Maria — Expositions 2. Peinture québécoise — 21e siècle — Expositions 3. Cartes postales publicitaires 4. Art — Reproduction I. Titre.